Above and below are Quilts put together by Annette
from some of the donated blocks and wadding...
from an anonymous well wisher...
donated by Ros - put together by Di...
The peach fabric was donated by Marian, Annette made it up into a rail fence pattern,
Quilted with a tied star.
Tumbler pattern, made and quilted by Annette...
more of the peach fabric from Marian - put together and
quilted by Annette...
The FIRST Soldier Quilt by Annette...
Quilt made by Annette from blocks donated by Jacqui from Hamtune Quilters...
following are anonymous quilts made by various people
with best wishes and love...
The next two Quilts have been donated by members of Hamtune Quilters...
I will fill in all the missing names as and when I find them out
some people prefer to remain anonymous
suffice to say all Quilts have been made with good wishes and love